The 10 Commandments of Email Marketing

I put together a handy presentation for you...

Hola amigos,

I’ve been dragging my feet on creating a proper lead magnet for Thanks for Unsubscribing.

Then, late last week, I found out I was going to be going to Montreal on a business trip.

“This is the moment,” I said to myself. “I’ll take the train, put on my headphones, and write and design this freaking thing so that it’s out of mind!”

I’m happy to report that my plan worked.

You can click the button below to check it out.

I hope you find it valuable.

…Speaking of valuable, I am testing out a private Facebook group for subscribers to this newsletter.

I wanted a place where we could all:

  • Ask questions

  • Learn together

  • Build a community

  • Share email-related content

You must be subscribed to this newsletter to be accepted into the group, so if you’re reading this post and not subscribed, click here to make that happen.

I appreciate you all.

Have a wonderful day.

Adios,AndrewTwitter | LinkedIn

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P.S. Emily Ryan is my go-to Mailchimp aficionado. If you want to listen to and pick the brain of someone who knows Mailchimp better than almost anyone, you should check out her webinar. This is NOT a paid endorsement… it’s just a plain, old endorsement of someone I respect.