Selling Memberships or Tickets? Copy This Email!

This membership push by Strong Towns is email marketing at its absolute best

On Friday, I received an email from Strong Towns. When I opened it up and read it, I knew I had to share it with you all.

However, instead of explaining why I liked it in this email, I made a video!

Here’s a brief breakdown of why I liked this email:

  • Great subject line

  • Awesome use of the from name and email

  • Simple, letter-style design

  • Easy to follow

  • Clear CTA

  • Transparent copy (this is the best part of the email)

  • Use of informal nickname in the signature

  • Terrific email footer

Bravo, Strong Towns. You’re a great organisation with a great email marketing team.

That warms the cockles of my heart.

Have a nice week, homies.
